

Product barcode: 5562924188608

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Product features:

  • It lengthens up to 3 times when water starts to flow through it;
  • Spray hose!
  • At the end of use, it instantly returns to its original length;
  • Does not twist,
  • Extremely durable and strong;
  • Compact;
  • Universally adaptable.
  • We guarantee to deliver the goods at the lowest prices. We guarantee to deliver the goods at the lowest prices.
  • We offer you a very convenient Drop Shipping option! We offer you a very convenient Drop Shipping option!
  • We will offer you 650+ items from 240 suppliers! We will offer you 650+ items from 240 suppliers!

Most of us can’t imagine gardening without a water hose; it’s convenient to wash a car, yard pavement, water the lawn, or outdoor flowers with it. However, in most cases, water hoses are tough to pack neatly; they are heavy, immobile, wrinkled, cracked, and lose their function.

You will not have such problems with this water hose, as it has a stretch function, so it will be extremely convenient to put it nicely in the storage room, car trunk, or elsewhere.

Polyester tape, latex tubes, ABS plastic parts;
Normal water pressure is 30-90 PSI, and hose water pressure is as high as 30-238 PSI;

Product features:

  • It lengthens up to 3 times when water starts to flow through it;
  • Spray hose!
  • At the end of use, it instantly returns to its original length;
  • Does not twist,
  • Extremely durable and strong;
  • Compact;
  • Universally adaptable.

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